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Coal, Coal Bed Methane (CBM) & Mineral Exploration Geology 

Data Acquisition

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Geological logging of Boreholes
Coal, Mineral & Geotechnical
Core Shed Logging Geologists
Rig Exploration Geologists
Field Mapping & Sampling
Motion Tablet Touch Screen
Digital Data Capture
Safety & Drilling Supervision

Data Management

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driven by Process & Procedure

AusIMM CoalLog Standard
M&EC Procedures from industry standard;
Field Geologists’ Manual (AusIMM),
AIG Handbooks
Experienced with various software packages;
Geobank, acQuire, Logcheck
Database Consolidation / Validation


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Management / Design

Desktop Studies
Compliance Reporting
Geological Interpretation / Correlation
GIS applications;
Borehole Logs, Maps, Sections
Coal Quality
Geological Modelling
Resource Geology

Quality Data Acquisition Saves Time & Budgets
Our staff understand the importance of accurate data capture and implications down stream for Design / Modelling.
By completing our work efficiently and ensuring M&EC quality our clients data flows faster to where it is needed,
and arrives in an error free state ready for productive use.
Our Deliverables and Reporting Templates are Informative and Detailed
M&EC's consulting services are returned in a prompt manner.
We are always looking to add value on our projects and deliver quality products.

SAFETY FIRST = Efficient Production +61(0)7 30401860
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Po Box 86
Chirn Park
QLD 4215

© Mining & Exploration Consulting Pty Ltd ACN: 132 702 017 ABN: 27 184 949 557